SECTION 3.2-1907. Collection and disposition of tax; reports  

A. Every processor shall collect the tax on all peanuts bought by him and pay it into the Department of Taxation to the credit of the Peanut Fund. The tax collected between July 1 and December 31 of each year shall be paid not later than February 15 of the succeeding year, and the tax collected between January 1 and June 30 shall be paid not later than July 10 of each year.

B. Every processor shall complete reports on forms furnished by the Tax Commissioner, submit such reports to the Tax Commissioner together with the tax submitted pursuant to subsection A, and keep copies of the reports for a period of not less than three years from the time the report was produced.

C. Any assessment that is not paid when due shall be collected pursuant to § 3.2-1102 . Notwithstanding the provisions of § 3.2-1102 , upon request, the Tax Commissioner may provide the Peanut Board with a list of assessment payers and amounts paid.

Code 1950, § 3-525.12; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-658; 2008, c. 3.2-1102 ; 2010, cc. 3.2-1102 , 3.2-1102 .