SECTION 3.2-111. General powers and duties of the Board  

A. The Board shall be charged with all matters tending to the promotion of the agricultural interests of the Commonwealth. It shall have power to receive, hold in trust, and administer any donation made to it for the advancement of the agricultural interests of the Commonwealth.

B. The Board shall have power to purchase or lease land, not to exceed 1,000 acres, for the programs of the Department, and shall regulate and prescribe the salaries of such officers and employees of the Department who shall be employed in such programs.

C. The Board shall also be required to advise the Governor on the state of the agricultural industry and to advise him on promoting the development of the industry; encouraging persons, agencies, organizations, and industries to develop the industry; working closely with all agencies concerned with rural resources development; coordinating efforts toward maximum farm and off-farm employment; examining marketing procedures and new techniques for selling the Commonwealth's farm products; formulating plans for developing new markets for such products; and such other matters as the Governor may request.

D. The Board shall not adopt any regulation that prohibits or restricts a person, his immediate family, or his guests from consuming products or commodities grown or processed on his property provided that the products or commodities are not offered for sale to the public.

E. The Board shall oversee the development of a farmers market system.

F. To carry out the provisions of Chapter 39 (§ 3.2-3900 et seq.).

Code 1950, § 3-4; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-4; 1972, c. 531; 1985, c. 173, § 3.1-4.1; 1994, c. 3.2-3900 ; 2001, cc. 3.2-3900 , 3.2-3900 ; 2005, c. 3.2-3900 , § 3.1-14.3; 2008, c. 3.2-3900 ; 2012, cc. 3.2-3900 , 3.2-3900 .