SECTION 24.2-1005. Bribery, intimidation, etc., of person receiving ballot  

Any person who (i) by threats, bribery, or other means in violation of the election laws, attempts to influence any person in giving his vote or ballot or by such means attempts to deter him from voting; (ii) furnishes a ballot to a person who he knows cannot understand the language in which the ballot is printed and misinforms him as to the content of the ballot with an intent to deceive him and induce him to vote contrary to his desire; or (iii) changes a ballot of a person to prevent the person from voting as he desired, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

This section applies to any election and to any method used by a political party for selection of its nominees and for selection of delegates to its conventions and meetings.

1970, c. 462, § 24.1-271; 1993, c. 641.