SECTION 23.1-3209.1. (Effective October 1, 2016; expires July 1, 2020) 400th anniversary of landmark events in Virginia's history; planning, coordination, and implementation

A. All agencies and institutions of the Commonwealth shall, upon request, designate liaisons and provide assistance and advice to the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation for the planning, coordination, and implementation of the 400th anniversary of landmark events in Virginia's history in 2019.

B. With the prior written approval of the Governor, the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation may perform the following actions directly relating to the planning, coordination, and implementation of the 400th anniversary of landmark events in Virginia's history in 2019:

1. Solicit and accept donations of materials and services to defray expenses;

2. Retain all nongeneral funds from grants, donations, contributions, gifts, fees, sales, or other funds received, collected, or undertaken by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation for the 400th anniversary commemoration. Such nongeneral funds shall be retained and not reverted back to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year;

3. Procure, with the maximum delegated authority available to any executive branch agency or institution in the Commonwealth, any goods and services with which there are minimum procurement requirements associated;

4. Hire employees up to the Maximum Employment Level for the Foundation as provided in the general appropriations act, despite any potential suspension on hiring that may be mandated for the state agencies;

5. Receive assistance and advice from agencies and institutions of the Commonwealth without charge; and

6. Contact international, national, interstate, state, regional, and local elected and appointed officials.

2016, c. 150 .