SECTION 23.1-2636. Director  

A. The president of the University, with the approval of the board, shall appoint a director to serve as the principal administrative officer of the Housing Center. The director shall be under the supervision of the president of the University or his designee.

B. The director shall exercise all powers imposed upon him by law, carry out the specific duties imposed on him by the president of the University, and develop appropriate policies and procedures, with the advice of the Board of Housing and Community Development, for (i) identifying priority research problems; (ii) cooperating with the General Assembly; federal, state, and local agencies; nonprofit organizations; and private industry in formulating its research programs; (iii) selecting research projects to be funded; and (iv) disseminating information and transferring technology relating to housing and housing problems within the Commonwealth. The director shall employ such personnel and secure such services as may be required to carry out the purposes of this article, expend appropriated funds, and accept moneys from federal or private sources for cost-sharing on projects.

1989, c. 700, §§ 23-135.7:17, 23-135.7:18; 2016, c. 588 .