SECTION 23.1-2602. Meetings; officers; committees  

A. The board shall meet in Blacksburg, in the County of Montgomery, at least once a year and at such other times and places as it determines. Special meetings of the board may be called by the Governor, the rector, or any three members. Notice of the time and place of each meeting shall be provided to each member.

B. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. A majority of each committee shall constitute a quorum.

C. The board shall appoint from its membership a rector to preside at its meetings and a president pro tempore to preside at its meetings in the absence of the rector.

D. The board shall appoint a secretary.

E. The board shall also appoint from its membership an executive committee of at least three but not more than six members that are empowered during the interim between board meetings to exercise such powers of the board as the board may prescribe by resolution.

F. The board may appoint special committees and prescribe their duties and powers.

G. Each committee shall report its actions to the board at the board's annual meeting and at such other times as the board may require.

Code 1919, §§ 861, 863, §§ 23-118, 23-119, 23-121; 1945, pp. 74, 75; 1970, c. 98; 2016, c. 588 .