SECTION 23.1-1000. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Bonds, notes, or other obligations" means bonds, notes, commercial paper, bond anticipation notes, revenue certificates, capital leases, lease participation certificates, or other evidences of indebtedness or deferred purchase financing arrangements.

"Capital project" means the acquisition of any interest in land, including (i) capital leases and (ii) improvements on the acquired land consisting of (a) new construction of at least 5,000 square feet, (b) new construction costing at least $2 million, or (c) improvements or renovations costing at least $2 million.

"Covered employee" means any individual who is employed by a covered institution on either a salaried or wage basis.

"Covered institution" means a public institution of higher education that has entered into a management agreement with the Commonwealth to be governed by the provisions of Article 4 (§ 23.1-1004 et seq.).

"Enabling statutes" means each chapter in Subtitle IV (§ 23.1-1004 et seq.), and in the case of the University of Virginia Medical Center §§ 23.1-1004 , 23.1-1004 , 23.1-1004 , and 23.1-1004 , creating, continuing, or otherwise setting forth the powers, duties, purposes, and missions of each individual public institution of higher education unless otherwise expressly provided in this chapter.

"Facilities" means all (i) real, personal, tangible, and intangible property, including all (a) infrastructure suitable for supporting a covered institution's mission and ancillary activities and (b) structures, buildings, improvements, additions, extensions, replacements, appurtenances, lands, rights in land, furnishings, landscaping, approaches, roadways, and other related and supporting facilities held, possessed, owned, leased, operated, or used, in whole or in part, by a covered institution and (ii) rights in such property.

"Includes" has the same meaning as provided in § 23.1-1004 .

"Management agreement" means an agreement between the Commonwealth and a public institution of higher education that enables such institution to be governed by Article 4 (§ 23.1-1004 et seq.).

"Participating covered employee" includes (i) all salaried nonfaculty covered employees who were employed by the covered institution on the day prior to the effective date of the initial management agreement and elect pursuant to § 23.1-1004 to participate in and be governed by the program, plans, policies, and procedures established by the institution pursuant to Article 4 (§ 23.1-1004 et seq.); (ii) all salaried nonfaculty covered employees who are employed by the covered institution on or after the effective date of the initial management agreement; (iii) all nonsalaried nonfaculty covered employees of the covered institution without regard to when they were hired; (iv) all faculty covered employees of the covered institution without regard to when they were hired; and (v) all employees of the University of Virginia Medical Center without regard to when they were hired.

"Project" means (i) any research program, research facility, or educational facility of a covered institution or equipment necessary or convenient to or consistent with the purposes of such institution, whether or not owned by the institution, including (a) research, training, teaching, dormitory, and classroom facilities and all related and supporting facilities and equipment necessary or desirable in connection with such facilities or incidental to such facilities; (b) office, parking, kitchen, laundry, laboratory, wellness, pharmaceutical, administrative, communications, computer, and recreational and athletics facilities; (c) hotels and related facilities; (d) power plants and equipment; (e) storage space; (f) hospitals; (g) nursing homes; (h) continuing care facilities; (i) self-care facilities; (j) health maintenance centers; (k) medical office facilities; (l) clinics; (m) outpatient clinics; (n) surgical centers; (o) alcohol, substance abuse, and drug treatment centers; (p) sanitariums; (q) hospices; (r) facilities for the residence or care of the elderly, handicapped, or chronically ill; (s) residential facilities for nurses, interns, and physicians; (t) other facilities for the treatment of sick, disturbed, or infirm individuals, the prevention of disease, or the maintenance of health; (u) colleges, schools, or divisions offering undergraduate, graduate, professional, or extension programs, or any combination of such programs, for such courses of study as may be appropriate; (v) vehicles, mobile medical facilities, and other transportation equipment; and (w) air transport equipment, including equipment necessary or desirable for the transportation of medical equipment, medical personnel, or patients; and (ii) all lands, buildings, improvements, approaches, and appurtenances necessary or desirable in connection with or incidental to any such program, facility, or equipment.

"Virginia Retirement System" includes any retirement system established or authorized by Title 51.1.

2005, cc. 23.1-1004 , 23.1-1004 , § 23-38.89; 2016, c. 23.1-1004 .