SECTION 22.1-57.1. Applicability  

The provisions of this article shall apply to any county, city, or town constituting a separate and entire school division. If a town within a county constitutes a separate school division and the balance of that county constitutes a separate school division, the term county as used in this article shall be construed to mean the balance of the county excepting the town. If a county and city, or any combination thereof, constitute a consolidated school division, each county or city shall be treated as a separate entity for the purposes of this article and be entitled to hold its own referendum and proceed to elect the same number of members to the consolidated board as have been appointed from the county or city. The provisions of this article shall apply to every school division, county, city, and town notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, of Title 15.2, or of any charter.

1992, c. 594.