SECTION 20-107.2. Court may decree as to custody and support of children  

Upon entry of a decree providing (i) for the dissolution of a marriage, (ii) for a divorce, whether from the bond of matrimony or from bed and board, (iii) that neither party is entitled to a divorce, or (iv) for separate maintenance, the court may make such further decree as it shall deem expedient concerning the (a) custody or visitation and support of the minor children of the parties as provided in Chapter 6.1 (§ 20-124.1 et seq.) or (b) support of a child over the age of 18 who meets the requirements set forth in subsection C of § 20-124.1 , including an order that either party or both parties provide health care coverage or cash medical support, or both.

1982, c. 309; 1984, c. 651; 1986, c. 421; 1987, c. 597; 1988, cc. 794, 887; 1989, c. 740; 1991, cc. 60, 545, 588; 1992, cc. 585, 716, 742; 1993, cc. 573, 599, 633; 1994, cc. 20-124.1 , 20-124.1 ; 1996, c. 20-124.1 ; 2009, c. 20-124.1 ; 2015, cc. 20-124.1 , 20-124.1 .