SECTION 2.2-4405. Powers of Treasury Board relating to the administration of this chapter  

The Treasury Board shall have power to:

1. Make and enforce regulations and guidelines necessary and proper to the full and complete performance of its functions under this chapter;

2. Prescribe and enforce regulations and guidelines fixing terms and conditions consistent with this chapter under which public deposits must be secured;

3. Require additional collateral, in excess of the required collateral of any or all qualified public depositories as it may determine prudent under the circumstances;

4. Determine what securities or instruments shall be acceptable as eligible collateral, and fix the percentage of face value or market value of such securities or instruments that can be used to secure public deposits;

5. Establish guidelines to permit banks to withdraw from the procedures for the payment of losses under § 2.2-4403 and instead be governed by the procedures for the payment of losses under § 2.2-4403 , consistent with the primary purpose of protecting public deposits;

6. Require any qualified public depository to provide information concerning its public deposits as requested by the Treasury Board; and

7. Determine when a default or insolvency has occurred and to take such action as it may deem advisable for the protection, collection, compromise or settlement of any claim arising in case of default or insolvency.

1973, c. 172, § 2.1-364; 2001, c. 2.2-4403 ; 2009, c. 2.2-4403 ; 2010, cc. 2.2-4403 , 2.2-4403 .