SECTION 2.2-4332. Workers' compensation requirements for construction contractors and subcontractors  

A. No contractor shall perform any work on a construction project of a department, agency or institution of the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions unless he (i) has obtained, and continues to maintain for the duration of the work, workers' compensation coverage required pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 65.2-800 et seq.) of Title 65.2 and (ii) provides prior to the award of contract, on a form furnished by the department, agency, or institution of the Commonwealth or political subdivision thereof, evidence of such coverage.

B. The Department of General Services shall provide the form to such departments, agencies, institutions, and political subdivisions. Failure of a department, agency, institution or political subdivision to provide the form prior to the award of contract shall waive the requirements of clause (ii) of subsection A.

C. No subcontractor shall perform any work on a construction project of a department, agency or institution of the Commonwealth unless he has obtained, and continues to maintain for the duration of such work, workers' compensation coverage required pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 65.2-800 et seq.) of Title 65.2.

1993, c. 642, § 11-46.3; 2001, c. 65.2-800 .