SECTION 2.2-421. Reporting requirements for certain state agencies  

A. The chief administrative officer of each board, department, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth shall file a registration statement with the Secretary of the Commonwealth on behalf of the officers and employees who will be engaged in lobbying as defined in § 2.2-419 and shall comply with the provisions of this article that require lobbyists to register with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. No fee shall be collected for registrations required by this section.

B. Any state governmental body required to file a registration under this section shall comply with the provisions of this article relating to registration.

C. The registration requirements of this section shall not apply to:

1. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and their immediate staffs, or the Governor's Secretaries and their deputies and immediate staffs, acting in an official capacity;

2. Members of the General Assembly and other legislative officials and legislative employees acting in an official capacity;

3. The chief administrative officer of each department or division in the executive branch of state government;

4. The chief administrative officer of each division of the State Corporation Commission; or

5. Any state government employee acting in an official capacity.

1994, c. 2.2-419 , § 2.1-781.1; 2001, c. 2.2-419 .