SECTION 2.2-2809. Bonds of certain officers required; condition; form; effect of failure to give bond; additional bonds  

Certain officers designated by the Governor shall each give bond with sufficient surety to the Commonwealth. The bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful discharge of the duties of his office in such penalty as fixed by the Governor.

The form of bond shall be prescribed by the Attorney General and when given by such officer shall bear the certification of the Attorney General and the approval of the Governor.

If the bond required of such officer is not given or not deemed to be proper within thirty days after his appointment, the appointment of such officer shall be deemed void and his office shall be deemed vacant.

Whenever in the opinion of the Governor it is necessary for the protection of the public interest, that a new bond or a bond in addition to the one already given by such officer, it shall be given within a reasonable time as prescribed by the Governor after the officer has been notified of the requirement. If the officer fails or refuses to give the new or additional bond required, his office shall be deemed vacant.

1980, c. 119, § 2.1-11.1; 2001, c. 844 .