SECTION 2.2-2222. Form, terms, execution and sale of bonds; use of proceeds; interim receipts or temporary bonds; lost or destroyed bonds; faith and credit of state and political subdivisions not pledged; expenses  

The bonds of each issue shall be dated, shall bear interest at such rates as shall be fixed by the Authority, shall mature at such time not exceeding forty years from their date as may be determined by the Authority, and may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the Authority, at such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the Authority prior to the issuance of the bonds. The Authority shall determine the form of bonds and their manner of execution, and shall fix the denomination of the bonds and the place of payment of principal and interest, which may be at any bank or trust company within or without the Commonwealth. The bonds shall be signed by the chairman or vice-chairman of the Authority, or if so authorized by the Authority, shall bear his facsimile signature, and the official seal of the Authority, or, if so authorized by the Authority, a facsimile signature thereof shall be impressed or imprinted thereon and attested by the secretary or any assistant secretary of the Authority, or, if so authorized by the Authority, with the facsimile signature of such secretary or assistant secretary. Any coupons attached to bonds issued by the Authority shall bear the signature of the chairman or vice-chairman of the Authority or a facsimile thereof. In case any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature shall appear on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bonds, such signature or such facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until such delivery and any bonds may bear the facsimile signature of, or may be signed by, such persons as at the actual time of the execution of such bonds shall be the proper officers to sign such bonds although at the date of such bonds such persons may not have been such officers. The bonds may be issued in coupon or in registered form, or both, as the Authority may determine, and provision may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also as to both principal and interest, for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both principal and interest, and for the interchange of registered and coupon bonds. The Authority may sell such bonds in such manner, either at public or private sale, and for such price, as it may determine will best effect the purposes of this article.

The proceeds of the bonds of each issue shall be used solely for the purposes, and in furtherance of the powers, of the Authority as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds or in the trust agreement authorized by § 2.2-2223 securing the bonds.

In addition to the above powers, the Authority may issue interim receipts or temporary bonds as provided in § 2.2-2223 and to execute and deliver new bonds in place of bonds mutilated, lost or destroyed, as provided in § 2.2-2223 .

No obligation of the Authority shall be deemed to constitute a debt, or pledge of the faith and credit, of the Commonwealth or of any political subdivision thereof, but shall be payable solely from the revenue and other funds of the Authority pledged thereto. All such obligations shall contain on the face thereof a statement to the effect that the Commonwealth, political subdivisions thereof and the Authority shall not be obligated to pay the same or the interest thereon except from revenues and other funds of the Authority pledged thereto, and that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth or of any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or the interest on such obligations.

All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this article shall be payable solely from funds provided under the provisions of this article and no liability shall be incurred by the Authority beyond the extent to which moneys have been provided under the provisions of this article.

1984, c. 782, § 9-255; 2001, c. 2.2-2223 .