SECTION 2.2-2200. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Authority" means the respective political subdivisions of the Commonwealth created in this subpart.

"Board" means the respective boards of directors for the authorities created in this subpart.

"Bonds" means any bonds, refunding bonds, notes, debentures, interim certificates, or any bond, grant, revenue anticipation notes or any other evidences of indebtedness or obligation of an authority, whether in temporary or definitive form and whether the interest thereon is exempt from federal income taxation.

"Commonwealth" or "state" means the Commonwealth of Virginia or any of its agencies or departments.

"Federal agency" means the United States; the President of the United States; and any department, corporation, agency, or instrumentality heretofore or hereafter created, designated, or established by the United States.

1995, c. 638 , § 2.1-548.27; 1999, cc. 638 , 638 , § 2.1-548.55; 2001, c. 638 ; 2005, c. 638 .