SECTION 2.2-212. Position established; agencies for which responsible; additional powers  

A. The position of Secretary of Health and Human Resources (the Secretary) is created. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall be responsible to the Governor for the following agencies: Department of Health, Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired, Department of Health Professions, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Social Services, Department of Medical Assistance Services, Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, the Office of Children's Services, and the Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority. The Governor may, by executive order, assign any other state executive agency to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, or reassign any agency listed above to another Secretary.

B. As requested by the Secretary and to the extent authorized by federal law, the agencies of the Secretariat shall share data, records, and information about applicants for and recipients of services from the agencies of the Secretariat, including individually identifiable health information for the purposes of (i) streamlining administrative processes and reducing administrative burdens on the agencies, (ii) reducing paperwork and administrative burdens on the applicants and recipients, and (iii) improving access to and quality of services provided by the agencies.

C. Unless the Governor expressly reserves such power to himself, the Secretary shall (i) serve as the lead Secretary for the coordination and implementation of the long-term care policies of the Commonwealth and for the blueprint for livable communities 2025 throughout the Commonwealth, working with the Secretaries of Transportation, Commerce and Trade, and Education, and the Commissioner of Insurance, to facilitate interagency service development and implementation, communication, and cooperation; (ii) serve as the lead Secretary for the Children's Services Act, working with the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security to facilitate interagency service development and implementation, communication, and cooperation; and (iii) coordinate the disease prevention activities of agencies in the Secretariat to ensure efficient, effective delivery of health related services and financing.

1976, c. 729, §§ 2.1-51.13, 2.1-51.14, 2.1-51.15; 1978, c. 635; 1982, cc. 345, 459; 1983, c. 20; 1984, cc. 720, 781; 1985, cc. 447, 448; 1987, cc. 219, 698; 1988, cc. 646, 765; 1989, cc. 614, 695; 1990, c. 458; 1991, c. 563; 1994, c. 755 ; 1996, cc. 755 , 755 ; 1998, c. 755 ; 2000, c. 755 ; 2001, cc. 755 , 755 ; 2004, cc. 755 , 755 ; 2006, cc. 755 , 755 ; 2007, cc. 755 , 755 , 755 , 755 ; 2009, cc. 755 , 755 ; 2010, cc. 755 , 755 ; 2012, cc. 755 , 755 ; 2014, cc. 755 , 755 ; 2015, c. 755 ; 2017, c. 755 .