SECTION 2.2-2025. Definitions  

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Base map data" means the digitized common geographic data that are used by most geographic information systems applications to reference or link attribute or other geographic data.

"Division" means the Geographic Information Network Division.

"Geographic data" means data that contain either coordinates that reference a geographic location or area or attribute data that can be related to a geographic area or location.

"Geographic information system (GIS)" means a computerized system that stores and links geographic data to allow a wide range of information processing and display operations, as well as map production, analysis, and modeling.

1997, c. 817 , § 2.1-563.36; 1999, cc. 817 , 817 , 817 ; 2001, c. 817 , § 2.2-1705; 2003, cc. 817 , 817 .