SECTION 2.2-1611. Small Business Jobs Grant Fund Program; composition; general qualifications  

A. There is hereby created the Small Business Jobs Grant Fund Program (the Program) to support private sector job creation by encouraging the expansion of existing Virginia businesses and the start-up of new business operations in Virginia.

B. To be eligible for assistance under the Program, a company shall:

1. Create or sustain employment for the Commonwealth in a basic sector industry or function, which would include businesses or functions that directly or indirectly derive more than 35 percent of their revenues from out-of-state sources, as determined by the Department;

2. Pay a minimum entry-level wage rate per hour of at least 1.35 times the federal minimum wage. In areas that have an unemployment rate of one and one-half times the statewide average unemployment rate, the wage rate minimum may be waived by the Department. Only full-time positions that qualify for benefits shall be eligible for assistance;

3. Submit copies of employer quarterly payroll reports provided by the company to the Virginia Employment Commission to verify the employment status of each position that has been included in a grant awarded under a component program; and

4. Meet such additional criteria as may be set forth by the Department.

2013, cc. 482 , 482 ; 2014, cc. 482 , 482 ; 2017, c. 482 .