SECTION 2.2-1147. Definitions  

As used in §§ 2.2-1136 through 2.2-1136 , unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Institutions" includes, but is not limited to, any corporation owned by the Commonwealth and subject to the control of the General Assembly.

"Property" means an interest in land and any improvements thereon, including the privileges and appurtenances of every kind belonging to the land, held by the Commonwealth and under the control of or occupied by any of its departments, agencies, or institutions but does not include (i) real estate or rights-of-way acquired by the Department of Transportation for the construction of highways; (ii) ungranted shores of the sea, marsh, and meadowlands as defined in § 2.2-1136 ; or (iii) real estate or rights-of-way acquired by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for the construction of railway lines or rail or public transportation facilities or the retention of rail corridors for public purposes.

"Recommend," "recommended," or "recommendation," when used with reference to a recommendation by the Department of General Services to the Governor, means to advise either for or against a proposed action.

1968, c. 717, § 2.1-106.1; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-504; 1978, c. 770; 1984, c. 641; 1995, c. 2.2-1136 ; 2001, c. 2.2-1136 ; 2002, c. 2.2-1136 ; 2016, c. 2.2-1136 ; 2017, c. 2.2-1136 .