SECTION 16.1-77. Civil jurisdiction of general district courts  

Except as provided in Article 5 (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.), each general district court shall have, within the limits of the territory it serves, civil jurisdiction as follows:

(1) Exclusive original jurisdiction of any claim to specific personal property or to any debt, fine or other money, or to damages for breach of contract or for injury done to property, real or personal, or for any injury to the person that would be recoverable by action at law or suit in equity, when the amount of such claim does not exceed $4,500 exclusive of interest and any attorney fees, and concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts having jurisdiction in such territory of any such claim when the amount thereof exceeds $4,500 but does not exceed $25,000, exclusive of interest and any attorney fees. However, this $25,000 limit shall not apply with respect to distress warrants under the provisions of § 16.1-122.1 , cases involving liquidated damages for violations of vehicle weight limits pursuant to § 16.1-122.1 , nor cases involving forfeiture of a bond pursuant to § 16.1-122.1 .

(2) Jurisdiction to try and decide attachment cases when the amount of the plaintiff's claim does not exceed $25,000 exclusive of interest and any attorney fees.

(3) Jurisdiction of actions of unlawful entry or detainer as provided in Article 13 (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 8.01, and in Chapter 13 (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.) of Title 55, and the maximum jurisdictional limits prescribed in subdivision (1) shall not apply to any claim, counter-claim or cross-claim in an unlawful detainer action that includes a claim for damages sustained or rent against any person obligated on the lease or guarantee of such lease.

(4) Except where otherwise specifically provided, all jurisdiction, power and authority over any civil action or proceeding conferred upon any general district court judge or magistrate under or by virtue of any provisions of the Code.

(5) Jurisdiction to try and decide suits in interpleader involving personal or real property where the amount of money or value of the property is not more than the maximum jurisdictional limits of the general district court. However, the maximum jurisdictional limits prescribed in subdivision (1) shall not apply to any claim, counter-claim, or cross-claim in an interpleader action that is limited to the disposition of an earnest money deposit pursuant to a real estate purchase contract. The action shall be brought in accordance with the procedures for interpleader as set forth in § 16.1-122.1 . However, the general district court shall not have any power to issue injunctions. Actions in interpleader may be brought by either the stakeholder or any of the claimants. The initial pleading shall be either by motion for judgment, by warrant in debt, or by other uniform court form established by the Supreme Court of Virginia. The initial pleading shall briefly set forth the circumstances of the claim and shall name as defendant all parties in interest who are not parties plaintiff.

(6) Jurisdiction to try and decide any cases pursuant to § 16.1-122.1 of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.) or § 16.1-122.1 of the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.), for writs of mandamus or for injunctions.

(7) Concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts having jurisdiction in such territory to adjudicate habitual offenders pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 46.2.

(8) Jurisdiction to try and decide cases alleging a civil violation described in § 16.1-122.1 .

(9) Jurisdiction to try and decide any cases pursuant to § 16.1-122.1 of the Condominium Act (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.) or § 16.1-122.1 of the Property Owners' Association Act (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.).

(10) Concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts to submit matters to arbitration pursuant to Chapter 21 (§ 16.1-122.1 et seq.) of Title 8.01 where the amount in controversy is within the jurisdictional limits of the general district court. Any party that disagrees with an order by a general district court granting an application to compel arbitration may appeal such decision to the circuit court pursuant to § 16.1-122.1 .

1956, c. 555; 1968, c. 5; 1973, c. 440; 1978, c. 40; 1981, c. 404; 1983, c. 616; 1987, cc. 87, 93; 1988, c. 799; 1990, cc. 217, 471; 1991, c. 135; 1992, cc. 111, 777; 1995, c. 16.1-122.1 ; 1997, c. 16.1-122.1 ; 1998, cc. 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 ; 1999, cc. 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 ; 2001, cc. 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 ; 2002, cc. 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 ; 2004, cc. 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 ; 2008, cc. 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 ; 2009, c. 16.1-122.1 ; 2010, c. 16.1-122.1 ; 2011, cc. 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 , 16.1-122.1 ; 2016, c. 16.1-122.1 ; 2017, c. 16.1-122.1 .