SECTION 15.2-5711. Conveyance or lease of park to authority; contract for park services; when referendum required before certain contracts made  

Each locality and other public body is hereby authorized and empowered:

1. To convey or lease to any authority created hereunder, with or without consideration, any park upon such terms and conditions as the governing body thereof shall determine to be for the best interests of such locality or other public body; and

2. To contract with any authority created hereunder for park services; provided, that no locality shall enter into any contract with an authority involving payments by such locality to such authority for park services which requires the locality to incur an indebtedness extending beyond one fiscal year, unless the question of entering into such contract shall first be submitted to the voters of the locality for approval or rejection by a majority vote. Nothing herein shall prevent any locality from making a voluntary contribution to any authority.

In the event that a locality shall desire to contract with an authority under this subdivision, such governing body shall adopt a resolution stating in brief and general terms the substance of the proposed contract for park services and requesting the circuit court for the locality to order an election upon the question of entering into such contract. A copy of such resolution, certified by the clerk of the governing body, shall be filed with the judge of the circuit court who shall thereupon enter an order in accordance with § 24.2-681 et seq. Notice of such election entered and paid for by the locality shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality at least ten days before the election.

The question to be submitted to the voters for determination shall include the names of the locality and the authority between whom the contract is proposed and the nature, duration and cost of such contract.

Code 1950, § 15-714.9; 1950, p. 1248; 1956, c. 474; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1236; 1997, c. 587.