SECTION 15.2-4201. Purpose of chapter  

This chapter is enacted:

1. To improve public health, safety, convenience and welfare, and to provide for the social, economic and physical development of communities and metropolitan areas of the Commonwealth on a sound and orderly basis, within a governmental framework and economic environment which will foster constructive growth and efficient administration.

2. To provide a means of coherent articulation of community needs, problems, and potential for service.

3. To foster planning for such development by encouraging the creation of effective regional planning agencies and providing the financial and professional assistance of the Commonwealth.

4. To provide a forum for state and local government on issues of a regional nature.

5. To encourage regional cooperation and coordination with the goals of improved services to citizens and increased cost-effectiveness of governmental activities.

6. To deter the fragmentation of governmental units and services.

1968, c. 224, § 15.1-1401; 1995, cc. 732 , 732 ; 1997, c. 587.