SECTION 15.2-3801. Referendum  

Prior to the adoption of an ordinance petitioning the court for city status, the town council shall petition the court to order a referendum held within the town on the question of seeking city status. The provisions of § 24.2-684 shall govern the order for a referendum. The question on the ballot shall be:

"Shall the Town of ____________________ seek to become a city?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No."

If a majority of the electorate voting in the referendum vote "No," the town council shall not proceed in seeking city status. If a majority of the electorate voting in such referendum vote "Yes," the town council shall proceed as provided in § 24.2-684 .

1979, c. 85, § 15.1-982.2; 1982, c. 181; 1997, c. 587.