SECTION 15.2-3511. Liabilities  

All valid and lawful charges and liabilities existing against a consolidated locality, or which may thereafter arise or accrue against such locality, which, but for such consolidation would be valid, and lawful charges or liabilities against them, or either of them, shall be deemed and taken to be like charges against or liabilities of the consolidated locality and shall accordingly be defrayed and answered to by it to the same extent, and no further than, the several localities would have been bound if no consolidation had taken place. All bonds, contracts and obligations of the localities which exist as legal obligations shall be deemed like obligations of the consolidated locality, and all such obligations as are authorized or required to be issued or entered into shall be issued or entered into by and in the name of such consolidated jurisdictions.

Code 1950, § 15-213; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1123; 1997, c. 587.