SECTION 15.2-3236. Council may enact ordinance  

Whenever it is deemed desirable to contract the corporate limits of any city or town, the council thereof may enact an ordinance defining accurately the boundary of the territory proposed to be abandoned. The ordinance, or a descriptive summary of the ordinance, along with a reference of the place in the city or town where the ordinance may be examined, shall be published in at least ten issues of a daily paper having general circulation in the city or town, if there is such a paper, or in two successive issues of a weekly newspaper having general circulation in such city or town, if there is such a paper. If there is no daily newspaper having general circulation therein, the ordinance shall be conspicuously posted in at least ten public places in the territory for at least ten days before the application to the circuit court for the city or town as provided for in § 15.2-3237 in addition to the publication in the weekly newspaper. A copy of the ordinance shall be served by the city or town upon the chairman of the board of supervisors of the contiguous county or counties of which the territory may become a part.

Code 1950, § 15-153; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1059; 1997, c. 587.