SECTION 15.2-2609. Covenants relating to issuance of revenue bonds  

The governing body of any locality proposing to issue bonds for any revenue-producing undertaking may covenant in the ordinance, resolution, trust agreement, indenture or other instrument providing for the issuance of the bonds that the rates, rents, fees or other charges for the services and facilities furnished by, for the use of, or in connection with the undertaking shall be fixed and maintained at the level that will produce sufficient revenue to pay the cost of operation and administration, the cost of insurance against loss by injury to persons or property, and the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the bonds when due and payable, and to provide reserves for such purposes. The ordinance, resolution, trust agreement, indenture or other instrument, in order to assure the faithful observance of such covenant, may provide for the creation of a commission, or the appointment of a receiver, vested with such powers as to the management of the undertaking, or the fixing of rates, rents, fees or other charges, or both, as the governing body may deem proper.

Code 1950, § 15-666.27; 1958, c. 640; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-184; 1991, c. 668, § 15.1-227.11; 1997, c. 587.