SECTION 15.2-2026. Limited access streets  

Localities shall have the same authority with respect to the planning, designation, acquisition, opening, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, discontinuance and regulation of the use of limited access streets; the designation of existing streets as limited access streets, and the extinguishment of easements and rights in connection therewith; the regulation and restriction of access to such streets; the construction of service roads in connection therewith; and all other authority with respect to such streets and incidental thereto, as the Commonwealth Transportation Board has under the provisions of §§ 33.2-400 through 33.2-400 , or as the Board may be hereafter granted by amendment thereof or otherwise. "Limited access street" as used in this section means a street especially designed for through traffic over which abutters have no easement or right of light, air or access because their property abuts upon such limited access street.

Code 1950, § 15-7.1; 1952, c. 422; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-16; 1997, c. 587.