SECTION 15.2-1811. Counties and cities may operate parks, recreational facilities and swimming pools in sanitary districts

The governing body of any county or city in which a sanitary district has been established under the laws of this Commonwealth may, for the use and benefit of the public in such sanitary district in addition to the other powers and duties granted under other laws:

1. Construct, maintain and operate parks, recreational facilities and swimming pools;

2. Acquire by gift, condemnation, purchase, lease or otherwise and maintain and operate parks, recreational facilities and swimming pools;

3. Contract with any person, firm, corporation or municipality to construct, establish, maintain and operate the parks, recreational facilities and swimming pools;

4. Fix, prescribe and provide for the collection of fees for use of the parks, recreational facilities and swimming pools;

5. Levy and collect an annual tax upon all the property in the district subject to local taxation to pay in whole or in part the expenses and charges incident to maintaining and operating such parks, recreational facilities and swimming pools; and

6. Employ and fix compensation of any technical, clerical or other force or help deemed necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of the parks, recreational facilities and swimming pools.

Code 1950, § 15-704; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-278; 1997, c. 587.