SECTION 15.2-1615. Sheriff to deposit funds, keep account of receipts and disbursements, keep books open for inspection  

A. All money received by the sheriff shall be deposited intact and promptly with the county or city treasurer or Director of Finance, except that the sheriff shall maintain an official account for (i) funds collected for or on account of the Commonwealth or any locality or person pursuant to an order of the court and fees as provided by law and (ii) funds held in trust for prisoners held in local correctional facilities, in accordance with procedures established by the State Board of Local and Regional Jails pursuant to § 53.1-68 .

The sheriff's official accounts shall be secured in accordance with the Virginia Security for Public Deposits Act (§ 53.1-68 et seq.).

B. The sheriff shall keep the books, papers, receipt books and statements pertaining to the receipts and disbursements of his office at all times ready for inspection by the Auditor of Public Accounts or any other certified public accountant authorized by the governing body. Furthermore, the accounts and books of the sheriff shall be included in the audit of the local government conducted pursuant to § 53.1-68 .

1993, c. 334, § 15.1-83.1; 1997, c. 53.1-68 ; 2020, c. 53.1-68 .