SECTION 15.2-1539. General duties of clerk  

It shall be the clerk's general duty to:

1. Record in a book the proceedings of the governing body;

2. Make regular entries of all its ordinances, resolutions and decisions on all questions concerning the raising of money, and within five days after any order for a levy is made, to deliver a copy thereof to the commissioner of revenue of his locality or the person performing such commissioner's duties, as the case may be;

3. Record the vote of each supervisor or council member on any question submitted to the board or council, as required by law or his governing body; and

4. Preserve and file all accounts acted upon by the governing body, with its actions thereon, for a period of five years after audit and thereafter until the governing body shall authorize their destruction in accordance with retention regulations for records established pursuant to the Virginia Public Records Act.

Code 1950, § 15-237; 1956, c. 710; 1960, c. 34; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-532; 1982, c. 493; 1997, c. 587.