SECTION 15.2-1532. Payment of premiums on bonds for more than one year in advance  

Governing bodies are authorized to pay out of their respective treasuries, the premiums on the surety bonds of all local officials who are required to be bonded, for a period of more than one year when a discount for advanced payment of such premiums may be obtained under the rates, rules and regulations promulgated by the State Corporation Commission according to law.

If any such surety bond be cancelled prior to its expiration, the portion of the premiums to be returned shall be calculated on the basis of the regular annual rate of premiums for the duration of the bond as such refunds are prescribed by the rates, rules and regulations promulgated by the State Corporation Commission according to law.

Code 1950, § 15-483; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-46; 1997, c. 587.