SECTION 15.2-1247. When disallowance of claim final; exception; when no execution to be issued  

The determination of the governing body of any county disallowing a claim, in whole or in part, shall be a bar to any action in any court founded on such claim, unless (i) the decision of the governing body disallowing the claim is appealed; (ii) the governing body consents to the institution of an action by the claimant against the county; or (iii) the governing body fails to act upon any claim within 90 days of the date the claim is received by the governing body or its clerk, provided that such time may be extended by mutual agreement of the claimant and the county. No execution shall be issued upon any judgment recovered against a county, board of supervisors, or against any officer of the county, when the judgment should be paid by the county. Any judgment against the county shall be provided for by the governing body in the next county levy and paid by the treasurer as other county charges.

Code 1950, § 15-260; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-553; 1997, c. 587; 2010, c. 668 .