SECTION 15.2-1226. Authority of certain counties over Smith Mountain Lake  

A. The board of supervisors of Loudoun County may by resolution petition the circuit court of the county for a referendum on the question of whether there should be a chairman of the county board of supervisors elected at large. Alternatively, a like referendum may be requested by a petition to the circuit court signed by registered voters equal in number to at least 10 percent of the registered voters of the county as of January 1 of the year in which the petition is filed. Upon the filing of either petition, which shall be filed not less than 90 days before a November general election, the circuit court shall order the election officials at the next November general election held in the county to open the polls and take the sense of the voters on the question set forth in this subsection. The clerk of the court shall publish notice of the referendum to be published once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the referendum in a newspaper having general circulation in the county and shall post a copy of such notice during the same time at the door of the courthouse of the county. The ballot shall be printed as follows:

1. Procedures for approval of construction of such by the governing body or its designated agent; and

2. Penalties for violation of the ordinance.

B. Such governing bodies may act jointly in the enactment, administration, and enforcement of such an ordinance pursuant to § 15.2-1300 .

1988, c. 876, § 15.1-12.1; 1997, c. 15.2-1300 .