SECTION 13.1-1246.2. Involuntary cancellation of registration  

A. The certificate of registration to transact business in the Commonwealth of any foreign business trust may be canceled involuntarily by order of the Commission when it finds that the foreign business trust:

1. Has continued to exceed or abuse the authority conferred upon it by law;

2. Has failed to maintain a registered office or a registered agent in the Commonwealth as required by law;

3. Has failed to file any document required by this chapter to be filed with the Commission;

4. No longer exists under the laws of the state or other jurisdiction of its formation; or

5. Has been convicted for a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1324a (f), as amended, for actions of its trustees or beneficial owners authorized to act on the behalf of a foreign business trust constituting a pattern or practice of employing unauthorized aliens in the Commonwealth.

B. Before entering any such order, the Commission shall issue a rule against the foreign business trust giving it an opportunity to be heard and show cause why such an order should not be entered. The Commission may issue the rule on its own motion or on motion of the Attorney General.

C. The authority of a foreign business trust to transact business in the Commonwealth ceases on the date shown on the order canceling its certificate of registration.

D. The Commission's cancellation of a foreign business trust's certificate of registration appoints the clerk of the Commission the foreign business trust's agent for service of process in any proceeding based on a cause of action arising during the time the foreign business trust was authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth. Service of process on the clerk of the Commission under this subsection is service on the foreign business trust and shall be made on the clerk in accordance with § 12.1-19.1 .

E. Cancellation of a foreign business trust's certificate of registration does not terminate the authority of the registered agent of the foreign business trust.

F. Any foreign business trust convicted of the offense listed in subdivision A 5 shall immediately report such conviction to the Commission and file with the Commission an authenticated copy of the judgment or record of conviction. A certificate of registration canceled pursuant to subdivision A 5 shall not be eligible for reinstatement for a period of not less than one year.

2008, c. 12.1-19.1 ; 2009, c. 12.1-19.1 .